Governing Board


Mr.Alvin Varghese


Fr.Philip Nellivila


Mrs.Shanthi Marina Veigas

Members of Governing Board

Mr. Alvin Varghese

Fr. Philip Nellivila

Mrs. Shanthi Marina Veigas

Mr. N.J Philip

Mr. Jose Prakash

Mrs. Rosamma Varghese

Mrs. Sumitha B.T

Mrs. Eliyamma Johnson

Ex-Officio Members

Adv. Tony Fernandez

Mr. Johnson N P

Mr. Jyothis P Suresh

Mr. Sreerag C P

Advisory Committee

Mrs. Supreetha Shetty

Mrs. Chaithra S

Mrs. Soundarya

Miss. Aishwarya

Miss. Shraddha

Miss. Soumya

Miss. Arathi T

Miss. Ayoomi Bobby

Mr. Venugopal N B

The Advisory Committee consists of Executives from various major Units of the Institutions. It meets once a month or as often as necessary to advise the Chairman on various issues and discuss programmes pertaining to the betterment of Asiatech Group Of  Institutions. This Committee is a great help since it involves itself in the various activities of Units and Departments they represent and so also in the day-to-day affairs of the Institutions.